
How We Use PSA to Stratify Prostate Cancer Risk

PSA has a fascinating past. First discovered in the late 1970s, PSA ushered a catalyst in prostate cancer treatment and […]

Nanoknife – An Exciting Breakthrough? Or Mostly Hype?

In the seemingly never-ending quest to find novel treatments for common urologic disorders and diseases, we always see new therapies. […]

Does Blood in the Urine Necessarily Mean Something Wrong?

Blood in the urine or hematuria can be common as we age. However, no matter how informed we are, blood […]

What Makes PSA Levels Rise?

When most patients get a PSA reading, they don’t know the history of this test that turned it from one […]

Five Common Myths About BPH and Its Symptoms

When it comes to BPH and enlarged prostate, there can be a lot of confusion because there are so many […]

Can I Have More Than One BPH Procedure?

This September celebrates Urology Awareness Month and Healthy Aging Month, and what better way to kick off these health holidays […]

Is Aquablation a Viable BPH Therapy?

You may have seen many advertisements trying to convince you that one therapy or procedure is better than another for […]

Step-By-Step: Treating BPH

BPH, or benign prosthetic hyperplasia, is a widespread condition that men experience as they age. It is estimated that about […]

UroLift & BPH Treatment Alternatives

Urolift is a heavily-marketed, minimally invasive BPH implant therapy that many of you will come across during your research. This […]

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