
Does Blood in the Urine Necessarily Mean Something Wrong?

Blood in the urine or hematuria can be common as we age. However, no matter how informed we are, blood […]

Is It A UTI, Or Should I Be Concerned About Blood in My Urine?

Blood in the urine, also known as hematuria, is common in both men and women, but especially in women due […]

Should I Take Note of The Color & Smell of My Pee?

The urinary system is an integral part of the body’s regulation process. Its primary function is to remove the extra […]

When & Why to See a Urologist

The urinary system is an integral part of the body’s regulation process. Its primary function is to remove extra water and waste that the kidneys filter out of the blood and would otherwise build up in the body. A urologist is a specialist physician who can diagnose and treat problems affecting the bladder, kidney, urinary tract, and men’s health issues.

Top 5 Questions To Ask Your Urologist About Urinary Incontinence

It can be difficult for many people to admit that they have urinary incontinence. However, it is crucial to seek help from a urologist if you are experiencing difficulty with controlling your bladder. To prepare you for your visit with a urologist, we have put together a list of questions you can ask your doctor…

Male Incontinence: Tips for Preventing Dehydration

Urinary incontinence, which refers to the accidental passing of urine, affects approximately 3 to 11 percent of men in the United States. Urinary incontinence can either be temporary or persistent. Temporary incontinence can be caused by lifestyle factors, such as certain medications like diuretics, antidepressants, and narcotics; and drinking too much alcohol. Persistent urinary incontinence,…

5 Common Treatment Options for Stress Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is the loss of urine that is unintentional during movement or activity due to the pressure placed on your bladder. A person experiencing stress urinary incontinence may unintentionally leak urine when coughing, sneezing, bending, exercising, doing heavy lifting, or during sex.

5 Common Treatment Options for Male Stress Incontinence

Have you ever experienced sharing a funny moment with your friends, and then, amid the raucous laughter, you feel yourself pee a little? Losing control over your bladder can be embarrassing, and you’re not alone in this experience. Stress incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine due to exertion or excessive pressure on the bladder.

What Can Cause Difficulty Urinating?

If you are having trouble passing urine, it is in your best interest to have an evaluation by a urologist to determine its cause. Under normal circumstances, urine should pass without any issues. Difficulty urinating is actually a quite common problem, especially in men as they get older.

Most Common Urologic Diseases

Your urinary system works to eliminate wastes from your body, regulate blood pressure, control red blood production, and keep bones healthy and strong. Keeping your kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra healthy is necessary to make it easier for them to perform their functions. However, infection and other underlying health problems can disrupt these processes and…

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