
What You Need to Do For a Common Urological Problem


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If you struggle with a urinary tract problem, you probably feel miserable and just want to feel better as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are ways to support your urologic health and address issues when they arise.

Let’s look at some strategies to keep your natural plumbing system flowing properly.

Examples of Common Urinary Tract Problems

For both men and women, age factors into how well your urinary tract performs. However, certain disease and conditions also play significant roles. Problems such as diabetes, obesity, poor diet, inadequate hydration, and more can all cause issues with the urinary tract.

Here are some examples of common urinary tract issues:

  • UTI, or urinary tract infection, happens when the bladder and urine become infiltrated with bacteria
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH, refers to when a man’s prostate gland gradually enlarges with age. It can cause erectile dysfunction (ED), urinary urgency, incontinence, and other issues
  • Stress incontinence refers to an inability to control urine flow and leakage
  • Interstitial cystitis is inflammation of the bladder that leads to pain and poor bladder emptying

How to Manage Common Urinary Tract Problems

You can incorporate urinary tract health basics into your everyday routine and that of your family. Here are some tips to improve urine flow, avoid chronic and acute diseases, and enjoy an easier “go.”

  1. Stop smoking. Ask your primary care physician for a monitored cessation plan. You’ll stop inhaling toxins that damage important organs, such as the kidneys, prostate, bladder, and more.
  2. See your doctor yearly for a wellness exam. This includes a blood pressure check, a good measure of how well your kidneys are functioning. Your doctor will also check for diabetes with a routine blood draw and urine sample.
  3. Stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. Your kidneys will function more efficiently, washing out toxins and bacteria (the common cause of UTIs).
  4. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Avoid caffeine, carbonated beverages, and spicy foods, as they irritate the urinary bladder and prostate.
  5. Lose weight. A trimmer waist encourages good urinary flow and places less stress on the kidneys, the prime filter of body waste.
  6. Take your time in the bathroom. When you urinate, pause for a moment or two to make sure your bladder is emptied.
  7. Never ignore symptoms such as pain or blood upon urination. Burning can be a sign of infection.
  8. Routinely perform pelvic floor exercises (Kegal exercises) to keep your bladder toned. Overall fitness improves bladder musculature, too.
  9. See a urologist for a routine check-up if you have a history of urinary tract problems or if it runs in your family. If you experience urinary tract symptoms, see a urologist right away, and together, you can decide on the right course of treatment based on your diagnosis.

How Your Urology Specialist in Charlotte, NC, Can Help You

At Carolina Urologist Partners, our board-certified urologist, Dr. Richard Natale, is a highly acclaimed expert in a wide range of urological issues. He takes special interest in men’s health issues, helping male patients of all ages with issues like ED, BPH, kidney stones, and more.

Our practice is your first and best choice to manage your urological health. Please contact us for a consultation: (704) 786-5131, or use our convenient appointment request form online.

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