
What to Expect From Penile Implants

Penile Implant

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Talking about sexual issues can be embarrassing, even talking to a doctor. However, your urologist is there to help you, and this physician specializes in men’s health – so it’s nothing new to them.

Conditions affecting your sexual health can also affect your mental health and your romantic relationship with your partner. The good news is that you do not need to continue to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) because there is an effective way to address your concerns: penile implants.

Having a penile implant is a safe option that works well to successfully treat ED. Let’s talk about what this entails and where you can go to find out more.

What Are Penile Implants?

A penile implant is a tiny device that is surgically installed into your penis and lower abdomen so that you can have spontaneous sex. Its primary function is to help men who have difficulty achieving an erection.

There are two main types of penile implants. Consult your urologist to determine which kind of implant would be best for you:


A semirigid penile implant consists of two rods that are installed into the shaft of your penis. Because these rods do not change in shape, your penis will always be relatively firm.


Inflatable penile implants consist of an inflation mechanism comprising an inflation pump, liquid reservoir, and inflatable cylinders. This type of implant has the most similar function to a natural penis. Additionally, there are different models of inflatable penile implants to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Conditions Penile Implants Treat

Erectile dysfunction is when a man cannot get and maintain an erection. There are several treatments available to address erectile dysfunction, and a penile implant is one of the treatments that works right away and offers spontaneity when having sex. It does not require waiting for it to work like certain oral treatments do.

Peyronie’s disease is another urological condition that penile implants can treat. This issue is characterized by the penis’ deformation due to abnormal tissue growth, specifically scar tissue that remains inside the penis and causes a curved shape due to internal pulling of the skin.

Penile implants aid patients who have Peyronie’s disease by straightening the penis and addressing the potential erectile dysfunction associated with the curved shape. The curve can also cause internal physical pain, and implants may be able to address this issue as well.

Penile Implant Surgeon in Concord and Mint Hill/Charlotte, NC

You may be uncomfortable talking about your sexual health, but urologists address men’s health issues on a constant basis – and your ED can be successfully repaired. One of the potential treatments is to have a penile implant, but you and your urologist can discuss the best option for you.

Here at Carolina Urology, our board-certified urologist and penile implant expert Dr. Richard Natale can answer all of your questions about ED treatments, prostate issues, and other urological concerns. Call us at (704) 786-5131 or fill out our appointment request form online now to start your journey to a better sex life today.

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